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We Are a Young & Creative
Video Production Company

“ 在找到動人故事前,我們與你一起拓荒迷路。“    —— 迷野影像







" Let's venture into the wild and find moving stories together."

-- WILD CREER Studio

Founded by a writer who had previously worked at acclaimed media, an up-and-coming director whose work was featured in Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner, and a highly experienced photographer, WILD CRÉER STUDIO specializes in advertisements, shorts, and brand image videos. WILD CRÉER STUDIO also provides copywriting and visual design services.

Meet The Team

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林欣婕 Stella Lin

Producer/ Planning



追著故事跑的女子,拍紀錄片、寫文章與影評,用筆與影像來闡述自己所見所愛的世界。曾任《旅讀中國》雜誌特約主編、天下文化特約傳記作者,與《天下雜誌》創新學院資深企劃編輯,紀錄片作品入圍「2017華時代全球影展最佳紀錄片」。現與夥伴共創「 迷野影像 WILD CRÉER Studio 」,一起走跳世界。


Before founding WILD CRÉER, Stella used to be the Editor-at-Large for ORChina. She also wrote biographies for Commonwealth Publishing and was a senior editor at CommonWealth Magazine. Stella was the production supervisor of Taiwan Craftsmanship documentaries. She specializes in creating captivating stories from characters and themes. Her work was nominated for 2017 Hua International Short Film Festival.

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林野(林亭㚬) Wildee Lin

Director / Cinematographer

政大廣電系與資管系雙學士。導演與攝影作品散見於劇情片、概念影片、商業影片等。編導劇情短片入選 2015 坎城影展短片角落觀摩、並獲好萊塢學生影展ISFFH「最佳外語愛情喜劇獎」,2018金穗40系列推薦短片等。




Wildee holds two bachelor’s degrees- one from Department of Radio and Television, NCCU, and another from Department of Management Information Systems, NCCU.
Wildee has directed dramas, concept videos, and commercials. Her short film “Days Apart” was featured in 2015 Cannes Short Film Corner and win International Student Film Festival Hollywood "Best Foreign Language Romantic Comedy".

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楊昌敏 Birdy Yang

Visual design

專責影像美術製作與平面設計,參與多項形象影片製作。曾任天下雜誌數位頻道視覺編輯、天下雜誌財經書系書封與廣告設計。 主責台大國際學院、趣健行等品牌視覺統籌。


Birdy is a production designer and Graphic designer who has participated in many brand image videos. Birdy was a digital channel visual editor at CommonWealth Magazine, where she also helped design book covers for finance books and ads. Birdy was in charge of brand visual design for brands like NTU’s International College and TITO Hiking.


Best Documentary (nomination), 2017 Hua International Short Film Festival
“Searching for a Kindred Spirit” (documentary), Stella Lin (Producer)


2015 Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner
“Days Apart”, Wildee Lin (Director)


2014 Best Foreign Language Romantic Comedy Awards, International Student Film Festival Hollywood
“Days Apart”, Wildee Lin (Director)

Grand Winner & Winner of Best Documentary, 2015 Project ORChina Documentary Contest
“Words of Shanghai Past” (documentary), Stella Lin (Producer)


WILD CREER Studio Copyright © 2023 All rights reserved.

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